VertexTTime MethodsNaiad Help

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The VertexTTime generic type exposes the following members.


Public methodAddOnFlushAction
Adds a Action to be called each time the vertex Flush method is called.
(Inherited from Vertex.)
Protected methodCheckpoint
Writes the state of this vertex to the given writer.
(Overrides VertexCheckpoint(NaiadWriter).)
Protected methodFlush
Flushes all buffered state at this vertex.
(Inherited from Vertex.)
Public methodNotifyAt(TTime)
Requests notification after all messages bearing the given time or earlier have been delivered.
Public methodNotifyAt(TTime, TTime)
Requests a notification once all messages bearing the requirement time have been delivered, with the capability to send messages at a different (potentially later) time.
Public methodOnNotify
Indicates that all messages bearing the given time (or earlier) have been delivered.
Protected methodOnShutdown
Called after all messages and notifications have been delivered to this vertex.
(Overrides VertexOnShutdown.)
Protected methodRestore
Restores the state of this vertex from the given reader.
(Overrides VertexRestore(NaiadReader).)
Public methodToString
Returns a string representation of this vertex.
(Inherited from Vertex.)
Protected methodUpdateReachability
The worker will invoke this method periodically to indicate progress through the computation, and enable (for example) garbage-collection code to run.
(Inherited from Vertex.)
See Also
