Microsoft.Research.Naiad.Dataflow NamespaceNaiad Help

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The Dataflow namespace provides classes that enable the programmer to construct dataflow graphs manually.

Public classPlacement
Public classPlacementExplicit
Represents a Placement based on an explicit Vertex-to-location mapping.
Public classPlacementSingleVertex
Placement with one vertex
Public classStage
Represents an abstract stage in a dataflow graph, which comprises one or more dataflow vertices that each handle a partition of the data received by the stage.
Public classStageTTime
Represents an abstract stage in a dataflow graph, which comprises one or more dataflow vertices that each handle a partition of the data received by the stage, with a time type that indicates its level of nesting in the graph.
Public classStageTVertex, TTime
Represents a stage in a dataflow graph, which comprises one or more dataflow vertices of a particular type that each handle a partition of the data received by the stage.
Public classStageInputTRecord, TTime
Represents an input to a dataflow stage.
Public classVertex
Public classVertexTTime
Represents a single abstract vertex in a dataflow graph, with a time type that indicates its level of nesting in the graph.
Public classVertexInputBufferTRecord, TTime
A repository for input records, stored indexed by time. Calls NotifyAt on record receipt.
Public classVertexOutputBufferTRecord, TTime
An intermediate buffer for records sent by a Vertex.
Public classVertexOutputBufferPerTimeTRecord, TTime
Represents a per-time buffer for sending records with a single time.

Public structureEmpty
Represents a non-varying logical time.
Public structureEpoch
Represents the logical timestamp in a streaming context.
Public structureIterationInTTime
Represents the logical timestamp containing a loop counter nested within another logical TTime context.
Public structureMessageTRecord, TTime
A message containing typed records all with a common time
Public structureReturnAddress
Describes the origin of a message
Public structureTimeContextTTime
Represents a potentially nested scope in a dataflow computation, in which all messages have the same time type.
Public structureVertexLocation
Describes the physical location of a dataflow Vertex.

Public interfaceSendChannelTRecord, TTime
Public interfaceStreamingInputTRecord
Represents a streaming input to a Naiad computation.
Public interfaceVertexInputTRecord, TTime
Defines the input of a vertex, which must process messages and manage re-entrancy for the runtime.
Public interfaceVertexOutputTRecord, TTime