ExtensionMethods ClassNaiad Help

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Microsoft.Research.Naiad.Frameworks.GraphLINQ
Assembly: Microsoft.Research.Naiad.GraphLINQ (in Microsoft.Research.Naiad.GraphLINQ.dll) Version: (

public static class ExtensionMethods

The ExtensionMethods type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberCountNodesTTime
Computes the number of occurrences of each node in the input.
Public methodStatic memberDistinctNodesTTime
Computes the distinct set of nodes in the input.
Public methodStatic memberFilterByTValue, TTime
Filters the stream of nodes to contain only those nodes in the restriction.
Public methodStatic memberFinishRenamingTRecord, TIdentifier
Extracts a stream from an AutoRenaming context. Once called, no further RenameUsing invocations may be used.
Public methodStatic memberGenerateDenseNameMappingTIdentifier
Computes a mapping from unique identifiers in the input stream to mostly dense Node indices. Indices are dense on each worker, but skew among workers can lead to gaps in the tail of the indices.
Public methodStatic memberGraphReduceTValue, TTime
For each target node in edges, aggregates the values at the neighboring nodes using the given combiner.
Public methodStatic memberNodeAggregateTValue, TTime
Aggregates the values associated with each node using the given combiner independently for each time.
Public methodStatic memberNodeAggregateLocallyTValue, TTime
Aggregates the values associated with each node at each process using the given combiner independently for each time.
Public methodStatic memberNodeJoinTValue, TState, TOutput, TTime
Joins a value stream with a static set of per-node states.
Public methodStatic memberRenameEdgesTIdentifier
Rewrites the pairs of arbitrary identifiers in edges according to the given renameMapping.
Public methodStatic memberRenameNodesTIdentifier
Rewrites the arbitrary identifiers in nodes according to the given renameMapping.
Public methodStatic memberRenameUsingTInput, TIdentifier(StreamTInput, Epoch, AutoRenamerTIdentifier, FuncTInput, TIdentifier)
Uses an AutoRenamer to create and attach names to records in an input stream based on identifiers producer by an identifierSelector function.
Public methodStatic memberRenameUsingTInput, TIdentifier(StreamTInput, Epoch, StreamNodeWithValueTIdentifier, Epoch, FuncTInput, TIdentifier)
Associates elements of the given stream with nodes selected by the given identifierSelector and renameMapping.
Public methodStatic memberRenameUsingTInput, TIdentifier(StreamTInput, IterationInEpoch, AutoRenamerTIdentifier, FuncTInput, TIdentifier)
Uses an AutoRenamer to create and attach names to records in an input stream based on identifiers producer by an identifierSelector function.
Public methodStatic memberStateMachineTValue, TState, TTime(StreamNodeWithValueTValue, TTime, FuncTValue, TState, TState)
Given a stream of values associated with nodes, maintains a state machine for each node, and produces a stream of new states on each transition, based on the given transitionSelector.
Public methodStatic memberStateMachineTValue, TState, TTime(StreamNodeWithValueTValue, TTime, FuncTValue, TState, TState, TState)
Given a stream of values associated with nodes, maintains a state machine for each node, and produces a stream of new states on each transition, based on the given transitionSelector.
Public methodStatic memberStateMachineTValue, TState, TOutput, TTime(StreamNodeWithValueTValue, TTime, FuncTValue, TState, PairTState, TOutput)
Given a stream of values associated with nodes, maintains a state machine for each node, and produces outputs on each transition, based on the given transitionSelector.
Public methodStatic memberStateMachineTValue, TState, TOutput, TTime(StreamNodeWithValueTValue, TTime, FuncTValue, TState, PairTState, TOutput, TState)
Given a stream of values associated with nodes, maintains a state machine for each node, and produces outputs on each transition, based on the given transitionSelector.
Public methodStatic memberStateMachineTValue, TState, TOutput, TTime(StreamNodeWithValueTValue, TTime, StreamNodeWithValueTState, TTime, FuncTValue, TState, PairTState, TOutput, TState)
Given a stream of values and a stream of initial states associated with nodes, maintains a state machine for each node, and produces outputs on each transition, based on the given transitionSelector.
Public methodStatic memberTransmitAlongTValue, TTime(StreamNodeWithValueTValue, TTime, StreamEdge, TTime)
Transmits the value associated with each node in nodes along the matching edges in edges to produce a stream of NodeWithValueTValues for each target of a matching edge.
Public methodStatic memberTransmitAlongTValue, TOutput, TTime(StreamNodeWithValueTValue, TTime, StreamEdge, TTime, FuncNodeWithValueTValue, Node, TOutput)
Transmits the value associated with each node in nodes along the matching edges in edges to produce a stream of NodeWithValueTValues for each target of a matching edge.
See Also
