Microsoft.Research.Naiad.Frameworks.GraphLINQ NamespaceNaiad Help

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The GraphLINQ framework contains data types and extension methods that add optimized graph-specific operators for streams.

Public classAutoRenamerTIdentifier
A renaming context with the ability to choose its own names for identifiers.
Public classExtensionMethods

Public structureEdge
Represents an edge in a graph as a pair of Nodes.
Public structureEdgeWithValueTValue
Represents an Edge that is associated with a value.
Public structureNode
Represents a node (vertex) in a graph.
Public structureNodeWithValueTValue
Represents a Node that is associated with a value.

The GraphLINQ operators process static graphs. To perform incremental graph computations, use the Microsoft.Research.Naiad.Frameworks.DifferentialDataflow framework instead. The GraphLINQ framework contains only graph-specific operators, and relies on other frameworks, such as Microsoft.Research.Naiad.Frameworks.Lindi to perform extract-transform-load and summarization tasks.