NaiadTracingRegion EnumerationNaiad Help

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Enumeration describing which aspect of a Naiad computation a tracing region corresponds to

Namespace: Microsoft.Research.Naiad.Diagnostics
Assembly: Microsoft.Research.Naiad (in Microsoft.Research.Naiad.dll) Version: (

public enum NaiadTracingRegion

  Member nameValueDescription
Flush0 Region corresponding to a flush
Send1 Region corresponding to a send
BroadcastTCP2 Region corresponding to a TCP message broadcast
BroadcastUDP3 Region corresponding to a UDP message broadcast
Reachability4 Region corresponding to a reachability computation
Compile5 Region corresponding to codegen
Wakeup6 Region corresponding to waking up dormant workers
SetEvent7 Region corresponding to setting events to wake up dormant workers
Unspecified8 Unclassifed region
See Also
