Microsoft.Research.Naiad.Diagnostics NamespaceNaiad Help

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The Diagnostics namespace provides classes that support Logging, tracing, and observing various events in the Naiad runtime.

Public classFrontierChangedEventArgs
Container for Frontier events
Public classKernelLoggerTracing
This class containes methods that allow Mark events to be posted in the ETW Kernel Logger session.
Public classLogging
Methods and properties related to logging
Public classVertexEndArgs
Arguments of the event that is raised when a vertex notification ends.
Public classVertexEnqueuedArgs
Arguments of the event that is raised when a vertex notification is enqueued.
Public classVertexStartArgs
Arguments of the event that is raised when a vertex notification starts.
Public classWorkerSleepArgs
Arguments of the event that is raised when a worker goes to sleep.
Public classWorkerStartArgs
Arguments of the event that is raised when a worker starts.
Public classWorkerTerminateArgs
Arguments of the event that is raised when a worker terminates.
Public classWorkerWakeArgs
Arguments of the event that is raised when a worker is woken from sleep.

Public enumerationLoggingLevel
Indicates the level of logging reported
Public enumerationLoggingStyle
Where the log data is recorded
Public enumerationNaiadTracingRegion
Enumeration describing which aspect of a Naiad computation a tracing region corresponds to