ExtensionMethods ClassNaiad Help

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

extension methods for working with Java-protocol Hdfs files
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Microsoft.Research.Naiad.Frameworks.Hdfs
Assembly: Microsoft.Research.Naiad.HdfsSupport (in Microsoft.Research.Naiad.HdfsSupport.dll) Version: (

public static class ExtensionMethods

The ExtensionMethods type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberFromHdfsTOutput, TTime
Read a stream of path names (file or directory names) each of which corresponds to a collection of HDFS files serialized in a custom binary format. Concatenate all the records to the output, in an unspecified order.
Public methodStatic memberFromHdfsBinaryTOutput, TTime
Read a stream of path names (file or directory names) each of which corresponds to a collection of HDFS files serialized in the default Naiad binary format. Concatenate all the records to the output, in an unspecified order.
Public methodStatic memberFromHdfsTextTTime
Read a stream of path names (file or directory names) each of which corresponds to a collection of HDFS files serialized as lines of text. Concatenate all the lines of the files to the output, in an unspecified order.
Public methodStatic memberReadHdfsBinaryCollectionTOutput
Read a collection of HDFS files serialized in the default Naiad binary format. Concatenate all the records to the output, in an unspecified order.
Public methodStatic memberReadHdfsCollectionTOutput
Read a collection of HDFS files serialized in a custom binary format. Concatenate all the records to the output, in an unspecified order.
Public methodStatic memberReadHdfsTextCollection
Read a collection of HDFS files serialized as lines of text. Concatenate all the lines of the files to the output, in an unspecified order.
Public methodStatic memberToHdfsBinaryTOutput, TTime(StreamTOutput, TTime, Uri, Int32, Int64, Int64)
method to write a stream of records to a collection of HDFS files using the default Naiad binary serializer, partitioned by time as well as key. Within a given time and part, records are written in an undefined order
Public methodStatic memberToHdfsBinaryTOutput, TWriter, TTime(StreamTOutput, TTime, FuncInt32, Int32, TTime, Int32, Uri, FuncStream, TWriter, ActionTWriter, ArraySegmentTOutput, Int32, Int64, Int64)
general method to write a stream of records to a collection of HDFS files, partitioned by time as well as key. Within a given time and part, records are written in an undefined order
Public methodStatic memberToHdfsTextTTime
write a sequence of strings as hdfs text files, partitioned by time as well as key. Within a given time and part, records are written in an undefined order
Public methodStatic memberWriteHdfsBinaryTOutput(StreamTOutput, Epoch, Uri, Int32, Int64, Int64)
method to write a stream of records to a collection of HDFS files using the default Naiad binary serializer. The collection is active throughout the computation and is closed when the computation terminates: it concatenates records from all epochs in an undefined order
Public methodStatic memberWriteHdfsBinaryTOutput, TWriter(StreamTOutput, Epoch, FuncInt32, Int32, Int32, Uri, FuncStream, TWriter, ActionTWriter, ArraySegmentTOutput, Int32, Int64, Int64)
general method to write a stream of records to a collection of HDFS files. The collection is active throughout the computation and is closed when the computation terminates: it concatenates records from all epochs in an undefined order
Public methodStatic memberWriteHdfsText
write a sequence of strings as hdfs text files. The collection is active throughout the computation and is closed when the computation terminates: it concatenates records from all epochs in an undefined order
See Also
