ExtensionMethods ClassNaiad Help

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Microsoft.Research.Naiad.Frameworks.DifferentialDataflow
Assembly: Microsoft.Research.Naiad.DifferentialDataflow (in Microsoft.Research.Naiad.DifferentialDataflow.dll) Version: (

public static class ExtensionMethods

The ExtensionMethods type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberAdjustTimeTRecord, TTime
EXPERIMENTAL: Adjusts the timestamp on each record, under the requirement that the timestamp may only advance.
Public methodStatic memberAsCollectionTRecord, TTime
Public methodStatic memberAssumeImmutableTRecord, TTime
Indicates that the input collection is immutable.
Public methodStatic memberAssumePartitionedByTRecord, TTime, TKey
Instructs downstream operators to assume that the input collection is partitioned according to the given key selector.
Public methodStatic memberOnCompletedTRecord(InputCollectionTRecord, WeightedTRecord)
Public methodStatic memberOnCompletedTRecord(InputCollectionTRecord, IEnumerableTRecord)
Public methodStatic memberOnCompletedTRecord(InputCollectionTRecord, TRecord)
Public methodStatic memberOnNextTRecord(InputCollectionTRecord)
Public methodStatic memberOnNextTRecord(InputCollectionTRecord, IEnumerableTRecord)
Public methodStatic memberOnNextTRecord(InputCollectionTRecord, TRecord)
Public methodStatic memberOnNextTRecord(InputCollectionTRecord, IEnumerableTRecord, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberOnNextTRecord(InputCollectionTRecord, TRecord, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberSlidingWindowTRecord(CollectionTRecord, Epoch, Int32)
Computes a sliding window over the given windowSize number of Epochs for the input collection.
Public methodStatic memberSlidingWindowTRecord(StreamTRecord, Epoch, Int32)
Computes a sliding window over the given windowSize number of Epochs for the input collection.
Public methodStatic memberSubscribeTRecord
Registers a callback that will be invoked each time the collection changes with a list of weighted records.
Public methodStatic memberToWeightedTRecord
Converts a record to a weighted record with the given weight.
See Also
