ExtensionMethodsAggregate Method Naiad Help

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Overload List

Public methodStatic memberAggregateTKey, TState, TTime(StreamPairTKey, TState, TTime, FuncTState, TState, TState)
Groups records using the supplied key selector, and applies the given aggregation function.
Public methodStatic memberAggregateTKey, TState, TTime(StreamPairTKey, TState, TTime, FuncTState, TState, TState, Boolean)
Groups records using the supplied key selector, and applies the given aggregation function.
Public methodStatic memberAggregateTInput, TKey, TState, TOutput, TTime(StreamTInput, TTime, FuncTInput, TKey, FuncTInput, TState, FuncTState, TState, TState, FuncTKey, TState, TOutput)
Groups records using the supplied key selector, and applies the given aggregation function.
Public methodStatic memberAggregateTInput, TKey, TState, TOutput, TTime(StreamTInput, TTime, FuncTInput, TKey, FuncTInput, TState, FuncTState, TState, TState, FuncTKey, TState, TOutput, Boolean)
Groups records using the supplied key selector, and applies the given aggregation function.
See Also
