CollectionTRecord, TTimeJoin Method Naiad Help

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Overload List

Public methodJoinTKey, TRecord2, TOutput(CollectionTRecord2, TTime, ExpressionFuncTRecord, TKey, ExpressionFuncTRecord2, TKey, ExpressionFuncTRecord, TRecord2, TOutput)
Joins this collection with the other collection, using the respective key selectors.
Public methodJoinTKey, TValue1, TValue2, TRecord2, TOutput(CollectionTRecord2, TTime, ExpressionFuncTRecord, TKey, ExpressionFuncTRecord2, TKey, ExpressionFuncTRecord, TValue1, ExpressionFuncTRecord2, TValue2, ExpressionFuncTKey, TValue1, TValue2, TOutput)
Joins this collection with the other collection, using the respective key selectors.
Public methodJoinTValue1, TValue2, TRecord2, TOutput(CollectionTRecord2, TTime, ExpressionFuncTRecord, Int32, ExpressionFuncTRecord2, Int32, ExpressionFuncTRecord, TValue1, ExpressionFuncTRecord2, TValue2, ExpressionFuncInt32, TValue1, TValue2, TOutput, Boolean)
Joins this collection with the other collection, using the respective integer-valued key selectors.
See Also
