Microsoft.Research.Naiad NamespaceNaiad Help

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The Microsoft.Research.Naiad namespace provides the basic classes that are used in all Naiad programs.

Public classConfiguration
Configuration information
Public classNewComputation
Provides static constructors for creating a OneOffComputation.
Public classNewController
Provides static constructors for creating a Controller.
Public classPairExtensionMethods
Extension methods for the Pair type
Public classStreamTRecord, TTime
Represents a stream of records each tagged with a time.
Public classSubscribeExtensionMethods
Extension methods

Public structurePairTFirst, TSecond
Pair of two elements

Public interfaceComputation
Manages the construction and execution of an individual dataflow computation.
Public interfaceController
Manages the execution of Naiad programs in a single process.
Public interfaceOneOffComputation
A Computation with an internal Controller which cannot be re-used for other Computations.
Public interfaceSubscription
Represents an observable "output" of a Naiad computation, and provides a means of synchronizing with the computation.
Public interfaceTimeTTime
Represents a logical timestamp in a timely dataflow computation. All messages in a timely dataflow computation are labeled with a logical timestamp.
Public interfaceWorkerGroup
Represents a group of workers and allows registration of callbacks

Public enumerationAllocationReason
Enumeration tagging the reason for a byte buffer allocation
Public enumerationConfigurationBroadcastProtocol
Network protocol used to broadcast progress updates
Public enumerationConfigurationSendBufferMode
Level of pooling used for network send buffers