CheckpointRestoreExtensionMethods MethodsNaiad Help

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The CheckpointRestoreExtensionMethods type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberCheckpointTElement(ListTElement, NaiadWriter)
Writes this list to the given writer.
Public methodStatic memberCheckpointTElement(TElement, Int32, NaiadWriter)
Writes the given count of elements from this array to the given writer.
Public methodStatic memberCheckpointTKey, TValue(DictionaryTKey, TValue, NaiadWriter)
Writes this dictionary to the given writer.
Public methodStatic memberRestoreTElement(ListTElement, NaiadReader)
Reads this list from the given reader.
Public methodStatic memberRestoreTKey, TValue(DictionaryTKey, TValue, NaiadReader)
Reads this dictionary from the given reader.
Public methodStatic memberRestoreArrayTElement
Reads an array from the given reader.
See Also
