NonStandardExtensionMethods MethodsNaiad Help

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The NonStandardExtensionMethods type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberIterateTRecord, TTime(StreamTRecord, TTime, FuncLoopContextTTime, StreamTRecord, IterationInTTime, StreamTRecord, IterationInTTime, Int32, String)
Iteratively applies function to the given stream.
Public methodStatic memberIterateTRecord, TTime(StreamTRecord, TTime, FuncLoopContextTTime, StreamTRecord, IterationInTTime, StreamTRecord, IterationInTTime, ExpressionFuncTRecord, Int32, Int32, String)
Iteratively applies function to the given stream.
Public methodStatic memberIterateTRecord, TTime(StreamTRecord, TTime, FuncLoopContextTTime, StreamTRecord, IterationInTTime, StreamTRecord, IterationInTTime, FuncTRecord, Int32, ExpressionFuncTRecord, Int32, Int32, String)
Iteratively applies function to the given stream.
Public methodStatic memberIterateAndAccumulateTRecord, TTime(StreamTRecord, TTime, FuncLoopContextTTime, StreamTRecord, IterationInTTime, StreamTRecord, IterationInTTime, Int32, String)
Iteratively applies function to the given stream and accumulates all of the iterates.
Public methodStatic memberIterateAndAccumulateTRecord, TTime(StreamTRecord, TTime, FuncLoopContextTTime, StreamTRecord, IterationInTTime, StreamTRecord, IterationInTTime, ExpressionFuncTRecord, Int32, Int32, String)
Iteratively applies function to the given stream and accumulates all of the iterates.
Public methodStatic memberIterateAndAccumulateTRecord, TTime(StreamTRecord, TTime, FuncLoopContextTTime, StreamTRecord, IterationInTTime, StreamTRecord, IterationInTTime, FuncTRecord, Int32, ExpressionFuncTRecord, Int32, Int32, String)
Iteratively applies function to the given stream and accumulates all of the iterates.
Public methodStatic memberSelectByVertexTInput, TOutput, TTime
Transforms each record in the input stream using the given selector function.
Public methodStatic memberSelectManyArraySegmentTInput, TOutput, TTime
Transforms each record in the collection using the given selector function and flattens the result.
Public methodStatic memberSynchronizeTRecord, TTime
For each timestamp, buffers the given stream until all workers have all input for that time, and then releases the buffer.
Public methodStatic memberWriteToFilesTInput
Writes the records in the given stream to files.
See Also
