ExtensionMethods MethodsNaiad Help

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The ExtensionMethods type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberAggregateTKey, TState, TTime(StreamPairTKey, TState, TTime, FuncTState, TState, TState)
Groups records using the supplied key selector, and applies the given aggregation function.
Public methodStatic memberAggregateTKey, TState, TTime(StreamPairTKey, TState, TTime, FuncTState, TState, TState, Boolean)
Groups records using the supplied key selector, and applies the given aggregation function.
Public methodStatic memberAggregateTInput, TKey, TState, TOutput, TTime(StreamTInput, TTime, FuncTInput, TKey, FuncTInput, TState, FuncTState, TState, TState, FuncTKey, TState, TOutput)
Groups records using the supplied key selector, and applies the given aggregation function.
Public methodStatic memberAggregateTInput, TKey, TState, TOutput, TTime(StreamTInput, TTime, FuncTInput, TKey, FuncTInput, TState, FuncTState, TState, TState, FuncTKey, TState, TOutput, Boolean)
Groups records using the supplied key selector, and applies the given aggregation function.
Public methodStatic memberCoGroupByTInput1, TInput2, TKey, TOutput, TTime
Groups records from both input streams using the respective key selector, and applies the given reduction function.
Public methodStatic memberConcatTRecord, TTime
Computes the concatention of stream1 and stream2.
Public methodStatic memberCountTRecord, TTime
Counts the number of occurrences of each record in stream.
Public methodStatic memberDistinctTRecord, TTime
Computes the set of distinct records in stream.
Public methodStatic memberExceptTRecord, TTime
Computes the difference of records in stream1 but not in stream2.
Public methodStatic memberGroupByTInput, TKey, TOutput, TTime
Groups records using the supplied key selector, and applies the given reduction function.
Public methodStatic memberIntersectTRecord, TTime
Computes the set intersection of records in stream1 and stream2.
Public methodStatic memberJoinTInput1, TInput2, TKey, TOutput, TTime
Joins the records in stream1 with the records in stream2, using the respective key selectors.
Public methodStatic memberMaxTInput, TKey, TValue, TTime
Groups records using the supplied key selector, and computes the maximum value in each group.
Public methodStatic memberMinTInput, TKey, TValue, TTime
Groups records using the supplied key selector, and computes the minimum value in each group.
Public methodStatic memberSelectTInput, TOutput, TTime
Transforms each record in the input stream using the given selector function.
Public methodStatic memberSelectManyTInput, TOutput, TTime
Transforms each record in the collection using the given selector function and flattens the result.
Public methodStatic memberUnionTRecord, TTime
Computes the set union of records in stream1 and stream2.
Public methodStatic memberWhereTRecord, TTime
Filters the input stream to contain only record that match the given predicate.
See Also
