Foundry MethodsNaiad Help

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The Foundry type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberNewBinaryStageTInput1, TInput2, TOutput, TTime
Creates a new stage with two inputs and one output
Public methodStatic memberNewSinkStageTOutput, TTime
Creates a new stage with one input and no outputs.
Public methodStatic memberNewStageTVertex, TTime(TimeContextTTime, FuncInt32, StageTTime, TVertex, String)
Creates a stage from a vertex factory
Public methodStatic memberNewStageTVertex, TTime(Placement, TimeContextTTime, FuncInt32, StageTTime, TVertex, String)
Creates a stage from a vertex factory
Public methodStatic memberNewUnaryStageTInput, TOutput, TTime
Creates a stage with one input and one output.
See Also
