BinaryVertexTInput1, TInput2, TOutput, TTime MethodsNaiad Help

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The BinaryVertexTInput1, TInput2, TOutput, TTime generic type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberMakeStage(StreamTInput1, TTime, StreamTInput2, TTime, FuncInt32, StageTTime, BinaryVertexTInput1, TInput2, TOutput, TTime, ExpressionFuncTInput1, Int32, ExpressionFuncTInput2, Int32, ExpressionFuncTOutput, Int32, String)
Creates a new stream from the output of a stage of BinaryVertex objects.
Public methodStatic memberMakeStage(Placement, StreamTInput1, TTime, StreamTInput2, TTime, FuncInt32, StageTTime, BinaryVertexTInput1, TInput2, TOutput, TTime, ExpressionFuncTInput1, Int32, ExpressionFuncTInput2, Int32, ExpressionFuncTOutput, Int32, String)
Creates a new stream from the output of a stage of BinaryVertex objects.
Public methodOnReceive1
Called when a message is received on the first input.
Public methodOnReceive2
Called when a message is received on the second input.
See Also
