ExtensionMethodsToWebHdfsBinaryTOutput, TTime Method (StreamTOutput, TTime, String, Int32, Uri, Int32, Int64, Int64)Naiad Help

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

method to write a stream of records to a collection of HDFS files using the default Naiad binary serializer, partitioned by time as well as key. Within a given time and part, records are written in an undefined order

Namespace: Microsoft.Research.Naiad.Frameworks.WebHdfs
Assembly: Microsoft.Research.Naiad.WebHdfsSupport (in Microsoft.Research.Naiad.WebHdfsSupport.dll) Version: (

public static Stream<Uri, TTime> ToWebHdfsBinary<TOutput, TTime>(
	this Stream<TOutput, TTime> source,
	string user,
	int webPort,
	Uri prefix,
	int bufferSize = 1048576,
	long blockSize = -1,
	long segmentThreshold = 266338304
where TTime : Object, Time<TTime>


Type: Microsoft.Research.NaiadStreamTOutput, TTime
stream of records to write
Type: SystemString
hdfs user
Type: SystemInt32
webhdfs protocol port
Type: SystemUri
webhdfs directory to write the partitioned data into
bufferSize (Optional)
Type: SystemInt32
buffer size to use in the serializer
blockSize (Optional)
Type: SystemInt64
hdfs block size to use, or -1 for the file system default value
segmentThreshold (Optional)
Type: SystemInt64
file size to write before closing the file and opening another one

Type Parameters

type of the records to write
type of the record time

Return Value

Type: StreamUri, TTime
stream of filenames written

Usage Note

In Visual Basic and C#, you can call this method as an instance method on any object of type StreamTOutput, TTime. When you use instance method syntax to call this method, omit the first parameter. For more information, see Extension Methods (Visual Basic) or Extension Methods (C# Programming Guide).
See Also
