Building the Job BrowserDryadLINQ documentation

For now the only way to get the Job Browser is to build it from source. Follow these instructions to build the DryadLINQ job browser:

Getting the code

  1. If you don't have any git tools installed, either install the Visual Studio Tools for Git extension to Visual Studio 2012 (VS 2013 has them built in) or Git for Windows command line tools.

  2. Clone the Dryad sources from

  3. Open <mydryaddirectory>\JobBrowser\JobBrowser.sln in Visual Studio 2012 or 2013 and build the Release target.

Installing for later use

  1. Copy <mydryaddirectory>\JobBrowser\JobBrowser\bin\x64\Release to a folder of your choosing, e.g. c:\DryadLinqBrowser and add it to your PATH if desired.

  2. Run DryadLinqBrowser.exe from that directory. The first time it runs it will read your subscriptions (if you have configured Powershell as described in Setting up an HDInsight 3.0 cluster) and detect all the attached HDInsight clusters. If you want it to rescan later you can click on <scan> in the Cluster menu, or add and remove clusters manually from that menu.

  3. Select a cluster from the Cluster menu.

See Also

Other Resources