DryadLinqQueryableToStoreTSource Method (IQueryableTSource, Uri, Boolean, ExpressionActionIEnumerableTSource, Stream, ExpressionFuncStream, IEnumerableTSource)DryadLINQ documentation
Specifies a stream URI to be populated with the result of a specified DryadLINQ query.

Namespace: Microsoft.Research.DryadLinq
Assembly: Microsoft.Research.DryadLinq (in Microsoft.Research.DryadLinq.dll) Version: (

public static IQueryable<TSource> ToStore<TSource>(
	this IQueryable<TSource> source,
	Uri dataSetUri,
	bool deleteIfExists = false,
	Expression<Action<IEnumerable<TSource>, Stream>> serializer = null,
	Expression<Func<Stream, IEnumerable<TSource>>> deserializer = null


Type: System.LinqIQueryableTSource
The data source
Type: SystemUri
The stream name to store the result
deleteIfExists (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
If this flag is true, delete the output stream if it already exisit before execution
serializer (Optional)
Type: System.Linq.ExpressionsExpressionActionIEnumerableTSource, Stream
An optional stream-based serializer
deserializer (Optional)
Type: System.Linq.ExpressionsExpressionFuncStream, IEnumerableTSource
An optional stream-based deserializer

Type Parameters

The type of the records of the table

Return Value

Type: IQueryableTSource
A query representing the output data.

Usage Note

In Visual Basic and C#, you can call this method as an instance method on any object of type IQueryableTSource. When you use instance method syntax to call this method, omit the first parameter. For more information, see Extension Methods (Visual Basic) or Extension Methods (C# Programming Guide).
See Also
