DryadLinqYarnCluster FieldsDryadLINQ documentation

The DryadLinqYarnCluster type exposes the following members.


Public fieldApplicationMasterMbMemory
The amount of memory to be requested for the Application Master container
Public fieldContainerMbMemory
The amount of memory to be requested for each container other than the Application Master
Public fieldDefaultNumberOfContainers
The number of containers a job should ask for, if JobMaxNodes and JobMinNodes are not overwritten in the DryadLinqContext
Public fieldHdfsPort
The port that the Hdfs protocol is listening on
Public fieldLauncherNode
The hostname of the computer where the DryadLINQ YARN launcher is running, or null if Java/YARN are present on the client
Public fieldLauncherPort
The port where the DryadLINQ Yarn launcher is listening, or -1 if Java/YARN are present on the client
Public fieldNameNode
The hostname of the computer where the HDFS instance for resource staging is running
Public fieldUser
The username for the job on the YARN cluster
Public fieldWebHdfsPort
The port that the WebHdfs protocol is listening on, or -1 if Java/YARN are present on the client
Public fieldYarnPort
The port that the YARN Resource Node is listening on
See Also
