DryadLinqQueryableLongSelectMany Method DryadLINQ documentation
Overload List

Public methodStatic memberLongSelectManyTSource, TResult(IQueryableTSource, ExpressionFuncTSource, Int64, IEnumerableTResult)
Transforms each element of a sequence into an IEnumerable{T} by applying a function to the element and its index, and then flattens the resulting sequences into one sequence.
Public methodStatic memberLongSelectManyTSource, TCollection, TResult(IQueryableTSource, ExpressionFuncTSource, Int64, IEnumerableTCollection, ExpressionFuncTSource, TCollection, TResult)
Transforms each element of a sequence into an IEnumerable{T} by applying a function to the element and its index, and then flattens the resulting sequences into one sequence.
See Also
